Topic: German books about castles and castlebuilding
Merlin Senior Member
posted 11-28-2000 07:57 AM
COTW contains a lot of information about castles in every country, but one may have problems in finding titels of german books on certain topics. In the following postings, I'll provide books that I've found interesting. As I'm swiss, most titles will contain information about the castles of Switzerland and the neighbouring countries.[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited 11-28-2000).] |
Merlin Senior Member
posted 11-28-2000 08:00 AM
To get a general idea of the castles of central Europe and their history: -----------------------------------o DE CABOGA, Herbert. Die Burg im Mittelalter: Geschichte und Formen. Frankfurt a.M. / Berlin 1982. > A cheap paperback, but it gives a good introduction and describes the different parts of a castle. o MEYER, Werner. Den Freunden ein Schutz, den Feinden zum Trutz: Die deutsche Burg. 2, verbesserte Aufl. Frankfurt a.M. 1969. >Follows the evolution of castles from the earliest earthwalls to the late middle ages and contains beautifull illustrations. o BÖHME, Horst Wolfgang (Hg.). Burgen der Salierzeit. 2 Bde. Sigmaringen 1991. > Texts by various authors about the german castles and royal palaces of the 11th century. o HOTZ, Walter. Pfalzen und Burgen der Stauferzeit: Geschichte und Gestalt. Darmstadt 1981. >All about castlebuilding in the german kingdom of the 12th and early 13th century, including plans and pictures. o VILLENA, Leonardo. Glossaire: Burgenfachwörterbuch des mittelalterlichen Wehrbaus in deutscher, englischer, französischer, italienischer, spanischer Sprache. Frankfurt a.M. 1975. > Illustrated glossary of castle-related terms in 5 languages. o MEYER, Werner (Red.). Burgen der Schweiz. 9 Bde. Zürich 1981 – 1983. > Descriptions, good photographs and groundfloor-plans of the biggest swiss castles. The appendix of vol. 1 contains a very good glossary of castle-related terms (pages 92-96). o SCHWEIZERISCHER BURGENVEREIN (Hg.). Burgenkarte der Schweiz und des angrenzenden Auslandes, 1 : 200'000. 4 Blätter. Wabern 1978f. > A map of Switzerland and the neighbouring regions in 4 parts, including a short description of every single castle-site, exact location, etc. o TILLMANN, Curt. Lexikon der deutschen Burgen und Schlösser. 4 Bde. Stuttgart 1958 – 1961. > This very big work contains nearly every medieval castle in all german-speaking regions in Europe. Maps of all areas in vol. 4.
[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited 12-07-2000).] |
Merlin Senior Member
posted 11-28-2000 08:04 AM
Books about certain parts of castles: ---------------------------------------o WIRTLER, Ulrike. Spätmittelalterliche Repräsentationsräume auf Burgen im Rhein-Lahn-Mosel-Gebiet. Diss. Köln 1987. > All about representative rooms in the Palas of late medieval castles in the western parts of Germany. o REICKE, Daniel. "von starken und grossen flüejen": Eine Untersuchung zu Megalith- und Buckelquader-Mauerwerk an Burgtürmen im Gebiet zwischen Alpen und Rhein [Schweizer Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters, Bd. 22]. Basel 1995. > A book about the evolution of the castletower in the region between the Alps and the Rhine, from the 11th to the 13th century. o BLEYL, Wolfgang. Der Donjon: Eine bautechnische Typologie des verteidigungsfähigen Wohnturms. 3. Aufl. Köln 1980. > All about the Donjon, illustrated examples from all countries of the medieval world. o HERRMANN, Christofer. Wohntürme des späten Mittelalters auf Burgen im Rhein-Mosel-Gebiet [Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Burgenvereinigung, Reihe A: Forschungen, Bd. 2]. Diss. Espelkamp 1995. > More about the Donjon in the late middle ages, especially in northwestern Germany. o LAULE, Ulrike. Kastell und Donjon: Burgundische Architektur im Zeitalter der Valois-Herzöge [Berichte und Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte, Bd. 12]. Diss. Freiburg i.Br. 1999. > Profound study about the architectural style of late medieval castles and their Donjons in the area of the earls of Burgundy, illustrated with lots of examples. o STREICH, Gerhard. Burg und Kirche während des deutschen Mittelalters: Untersuchung zur Sakraltopogrphie von Pfalzen, Burgen und Herrensitzen. 2 Bde. [Vorträge und Forschungen, Sonderband 29]. Sigmaringen 1984. > Very profound study about the churches in castles and royal residences, their appearance and functions. [This message has been edited by Merlin (edited 12-07-2000).] |
Merlin Senior Member
posted 11-28-2000 08:07 AM
Cave-castles - a very special and rare type of castles: ---------------------------------o HÖGL, Lukas et alt. Burgen im Fels: Eine Untersuchung der mittelalterlichen Höhlen-, Grotten- und Balmburgen der Schweiz [Schweizer Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters, Bd. 12]. Basel 1986. > Overview on all cave-castles in Switzerland. o BOSCARDIN, Maria-Letizia. Burgenforschung in Graubünden: Die Grottenburg Fracstein und ihre Ritzzeichnungen [Schweizer Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters, Bd. 4]. Basel 1977. o DEGEN, Peter et alt. Die Grottenburg Riedfluh (Eptingen BL): Bericht über die Ausgrabungen 1981 – 1983 [Schweizer Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters, Bd. 14/15]. Basel 1988. > Two very profound araeological studies of an alpine and a jura cave-castle.
Peter Member
posted 12-04-2000 01:11 PM
Merlin Here's one to add to your list, A two volumne set, in German (1992) Burgen der Salierzeit / Teil 1 / Teil 2. Huge book in slip case. About £30 from Oxbow Books, Oxford. While I think on, another isBurgen, Schlosser, Parks und Garten. A lovely little book, with plans, sites, pictures, maps at the back. All in colour. I can't give you a cost, as it was bought by a friend as a present. |
Levan Moderator
posted 12-05-2000 04:16 AM
Merlin - many thanks for providing notes about these books in English.Levan |
Merlin Senior Member
posted 12-07-2000 04:05 AM
Castlebuilding and living in a castle in medieval times: -----------------------------o ANTONOW, Alexander. Planung und Bau von Burgen im süddeutschen Raum [Europäische Baukunst, Bd. 1]. 2. verbess. Auflage. Frankfurt a.M. 1993. > Everything about the constructing of all types of german castles, architectural styles, different ways of building towers and walls, etc. o ZEUNE, Joachim. Burgen, Symbole der Macht: Ein neues Bild der mittelalterlichen Burg. Regensburg 1996. > Lots of examples from archeological studies about german castles; the author shows how they're built and how it was to live in them. o WARTBURG-GESELLSCHAFT ZUR ERFORSCHUNG VON BURGEN UND SCHLÖSSERN (Hg.). Burgenbau im späten Mittelalter [Forschungen zu Burgen und Schlössern, Bd. 2]. München / Berlin 1996. > Castlebuilding in the late middle ages, with examples from various sites in the german kingdom. o BOXLER, Heinrich / MÜLLER, Jörg. Burgenland Schweiz: Bau und Alltag. Solothurn 1990. > Good written book about castlebuilding in medieval Switzerland, with lots of beautiful illustrations. The author follows the history of different castles and describes the living-conditions of their inhabitants.
[This message has been edited by Merlin (edited 12-07-2000).] |
Merlin Senior Member
posted 01-23-2001 04:39 AM
Early medieval castles (until 900 AD): ------------------------------------------o BRACHMANN, Hansjürgen. Der frühmittelalterliche Befestigungsbau in Mitteleuropa: Untersuchungen zu seiner Entwicklung und Funktion im germanisch-deutschen Gebiet [Schriften zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Bd. 45]. Berlin 1993. > All types of very early castles in medieval Europe - good pictures and lots of plans. o JÄSCHKE, Kurt-Ulrich. Burgenbau und Landesverteidigung um 900: Überlegungen zu Beispielen aus Deutschland, Frankreich und England [Vorträge und Forschungen, Sonderband 16]. Sigmaringen 1975. > A general view of the castles around 900 BC, and 3 chapters to the following topics: Castlebuilding against the Magyars in Germany in the reign of King Heinrich I. / Castlebuilding against the Viking raids in France / Castles (or similar structures) in England in the early 10th century. o SCHNEIDER, Hugo / MEYER, Werner et alt. Pfostenbau und Grubenhaus: Zwei frühe Burgplätze in der Schweiz (Stammheimerberg ZH, Salbüel LU) [Schweizer Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters, Bd. 17]. Basel 1991. > Archeological evidence in all details from two sites in Switzerland: castles of the 9th/10th centuries that were built with earth and wood only). [This message has been edited by Merlin (edited 10-27-2003).] |
Merlin Senior Member
posted 01-23-2001 05:03 AM
Medieval royal residences: ------------------------------o BINDING, Günther. Deutsche Königspfalzen: Von Karl dem Grossen bis Friedrich II. (765 - 1240). Darmstadt 1996. > Good overview about the residences in Germany from Charlemagne to Friedrich II. Lots of groundfloor plans. o BRÜHL, Carlrichard. Fodrum, gistum, servitium regis [Kölner historische Abhandlungen 14/I-II]. 2 Bde. Köln / Graz 1968. > Everything about the voyages of the king's court and the residences from merowingian times until the 13th century. No illustrations, but thousands of references to source-texts and more literature. Part 2 contains maps with the itineraries. o ERDMANN, Wolfgang. Zur archäologieschen und baugeschichtlichen Erforschung der Pfalzen im Bodenseegebiet: Bodmann, Konstanz, Reichenau, Zürich. In: Deutsche Königspfalzen: Beiträge zu ihrer historischen und archäologischen Erforschung, Bd. 3 [Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte 11/3]. Göttingen 1979. S. 136 - 210. > Good study about the royal residences around Lake Constance: the palaces at Constance, Bodmann and Zurich, the royal abbeys of Reichenau and St.Gall. o GAUERT, Adolf. Zur Struktur und Topographie der Königspfalzen. In: Deutsche Königspfalzen: Beiträge zu ihrer historischen und archäologischen Erforschung, Bd. 2 [Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte 11/2]. Göttingen 1965. S. 1 - 60. > A bit old but nevertheless profound study about the archeological evidence on various german sites, especially covering the medieval residences and royal castles in Saxony. o MARTIN, Thomas. Die Pfalzen im dreizehnten Jahrhundert. In: Josef Fleckenstein (Hg.). Herrschaft und Stand: Untersuchungen zur Sozialgeschichte im 13. Jahrhundert [Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Instituts für Geschichte 5]. 2. Aufl. Göttingen 1979. S. 277 - 301. > Most older residences and castles of the german kings got lost during the wars of the 'interregnum' in the 13th century. This study shows how and why. o ZOTZ, Thomas (Red.). Die deutschen Königspfalzen: Repertorium der Pfalzen, Königshöfe und übrigen Aufenthaltsorte der Könige im deutschen Reich des Mittelalters. [Fortlaufend erscheinende Bände!] Göttingen 1983ff. > The complete catalogue of all sites in Germany, every volume covers one of the federal states, providing source-references, pictures and plans. But it will still take many years until this great project will be finished. |
Peter Member
posted 01-23-2001 12:32 PM
Merlin, there is only one great trouble with any listing .. getting hold of a book that you feel you would like. Over the years I have seen many reviews of castle books worldwide. Yet I think, what good is the review, if it doesn't tell you how to get the book. It is no doubt apparent by now that I am an admirer of Italian Castles. And have good knowledge on how to aquire them. Yet, in many cases I still can't get ones I want. And those are mainly minor ones. Second drawback is cost .. a semidecent book may cost £30 sterling; but postage & cheque charges can add at least another £15: to that. I agree with listings, and think we need them. But it is so frustrating when trying to aquire some if these books. This is why I always mention OXBOW BOOKS (Oxford), who have an excellent castles section. And are at least handy for people in the U.K. Peter |
Merlin Senior Member
posted 01-24-2001 02:50 AM
My intention is not to provide a list of books that everyone can buy everywhere, but to give references on certain topics with titles available in the best libraries. It may be hard to find some of the books outside Germany, France, Austria or Switzerland, but I intended to write this list especialy for german speaking members of CQ who may have problems in finding german castle-literature on COTW. And I'm sure that every good bookseller in the UK is able to get the newer titles in a few weeks time, if you press hard enough. As prizes may change in different countries, I don't list them - my bibliography has just the same form as is university-standard over here...Merlin |
Marko Senior Member
posted 10-31-2002 06:20 AM
Here's a nice one about castles in Austria. o MARTINIC, Georg Clam. Burgen und Schlösser in Österreich; Von Vorarlberg bis Burgenland. Edition Zeitgeschichte 1991, isbn 3-85001-679-1. > Nice book (503 pages) describing over 1700 castles in Austria. Arranged by province. Almost no images. |
Merlin Senior Member
posted 12-22-2003 06:25 AM
New books about castles in Switzerland: -----------------o GRÜNENFELDER, Josef et. Die Burg Zug: Archäologie, Baugeschichte, Restaurierung [Schweizer Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters, Bd. 28]. Basel 2003. (CHF 79.00) > A great book for anyone interested in medieval archeology and its possibilities in reconstructing the 'life' of a building over about 8 centuries. Dozens of pictures and plans and all there ist to know about the castle of Zug. o BAERISWYL, Armand. Stadt, Vorstadt und Stadterweiterung im Mittelalter: Archäologische und historische Studien zum Wachstum der drei Zähringerstädte Burgdorf, Bern und Freiburg i. Br. [Schweizer Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters, Bd. 30]. Basel 2003. (CHF 75.00) > Castles as the origin of important cities: The author looks at three examples from the area which was reigned by the earls of Zähringen in the 12th century: Bern, Burgdorf (Switzerland) and Freiburg in Germany. Many plans show the developement of the castles an cities. - Both books can be bought online directly from the editor, the swiss castles association: |
Erik Schmidt Senior Member
posted 01-16-2004 03:11 AM
Has anyone had a look at this CD? Erik |
ipflo Moderator
posted 01-22-2004 03:16 PM
3 great books about Castles in the Pfalz (and even more to come in the future years):Pfälzisches Burgenlexikon A must for every castlelover of German castles. I have these books already for some time and they are great: for me they are an example how books/ lexicons of castles in a certain area should be made. - Pfälzisches Burgenlexikon I A - E - Pfälzisches Burgenlexikon II F - H
- Pfälzisches Burgenlexikon Sonderband Burg Trifels |
ipflo Moderator
posted 01-22-2004 03:27 PM
Two good (somewhat unknown) books about Castles in an area in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria): das Viertel unter dem Wienerwald (south of Vienna). Also an good example of how castlebooks should be made:- WEHRBAUTEN UND ADELSSITZE NIEDERÖSTERREICHS das Viertel unter dem Wienerwald, Band 1 (St. Pölten 1998) ISBN: 3-901635-02-5 Karin und Thomas Kühtreiber, Christina Mochty und Maximilian Weltin - WEHRBAUTEN UND ADELSSITZE NIEDERÖSTERREICHS das Viertel unter dem Wienerwald, Band 2 362 Seiten; Leinen; reich illustriert (St. Pölten 2003) ISBN: 3-901635-05-X Maximilian Weltin, Christina Mochty-Weltin, Karin und Thomas Kühtreiber und Ronald Woldron the place where you can buy them: Here some text about it, when volume II appeared Here you can see a picture of the book at its bookpresentation:
ipflo Moderator
posted 01-22-2004 03:37 PM
Another good book is:Burgen in Bayern It has many pictures, and good/ beautiful ones (air pictures) and plans. Also the accompanying text is good. |
ipflo Moderator
posted 05-01-2004 05:14 AM
A new brochure about castles in Salzburg, Berchtesgadener land and Traunstein you can order for free by mailing to You only have to pay the postage costs.It is a small guidebook of about 150 pages with many colour pictures. It is a sort of lexicon of all the castles and manor houses in the area, it gives a little bit history and opening times. I have ordered mine for two weeks and got it last week: it is very nice. | |