furrball Member
posted 11-10-2002 07:13 PM
Being a senior is a pain. Alright, I'm looking for information, pohtos, and blueprints if possible for a scottish castle I'm told was in the movie Highlander. I don't know anything about the movie and all I can tell about the picture I have is that its in my literature book, the british tradition, by Prentice Hall 1999. I originally planned to build a small modle castle for an extra credit assignment for English 4, but then I sketched the picture for art and from there I decided to do a presentation for (computer class)ms power point as well. Now that I'm over my head I'm looking for all the information on castels I can get my hands on. If nobody comes up with anything for that peticular castle then almost any simple britich castle would do. Thank you in advance while I continue to search the site and sorry if this is the wrong forum, it seemes to fit so many topics. Jonathan furr2003@hotmail.com |