posted 10-23-2012 12:51 AM
I'm researching a film and I need to know about castles built in Great Britain in the 1600's. I know there weren't really castles in medieval style built then, but I'm looking for information on structures that look as much likely castles as possible.
katewinslet Member
posted 09-24-2013 05:31 AM
Gordon, I agree with you that it is impossible to define the word in a way that fits for everyone. But it's not correct to set the german and english words in comparision as you did above. Because I don't know an english word that would translate "Burg" correctlty - only describing medieval objects.
------------------ WINSLET
danny Member
posted 09-23-2014 02:59 AM
good post..........
------------------ danny
Floranc Member
posted 03-12-2015 02:03 AM
'm researching a film and I need to know about castles built in Great Britain in the 1600's. I know there weren't really castles in _________________ Pass4sure ccie certification
[This message has been edited by Floranc (edited 03-12-2015).]