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Author Topic:   Members/senior members
Philip Davis
posted 12-04-1999 03:42 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Having had my suggestion for changing the member discriptions taken up so readily it may be a bit odd to make another suggestion so soon but it got my mind ticking over. How about members becoming 'men at arms' senior members becoming 'knights' and the administrator becoming the 'castellian'.

Probably a bit to esoteric and has gender difficulties but what do folks think.

Neurotics build castles in the air, psychotics live in them, Psychiatrists charge the rent, art therapists do the interior design and nurses clean out the garderobes!

posted 12-04-1999 04:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TheScribe   Click Here to Email TheScribe     Edit/Delete Message
I would like to hear comments on this too! I like the idea because it gives the discussions a more "castle/medieval" feel.

Don't forget, senior members, there's still "moderator" designations available too!

Ted Monk
The Castle Scribe
"Alas, all the Castles I have are built with air!" - Jonson

posted 12-05-1999 07:55 AM           Edit/Delete Message
Under 16's could be pages, Moderators- Lords, with appropriate title, etc etc.

'Give me the groves that lofty brave,
The storms, by Castle Gordon'.
Visit my web-site at

Philip Davis
posted 12-05-1999 09:07 AM           Edit/Delete Message
So what does being 'Lord/Lady of the School Forum' require of a person Ted?

Neurotics build castles in the air, psychotics live in them, Psychiatrists charge the rent, art therapists do the interior design and nurses clean out the garderobes!

posted 12-05-1999 09:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TheScribe   Click Here to Email TheScribe     Edit/Delete Message
As for moderator, really not much different than you are doing now (answering questions, offering your knowledge, frequenting the forum, offering support, etc.).

In addition a moderator can:

- Edit messages in their forum
- Prune messages from their forum
- Close messages in their forum
- Move messages out of their forum
- Make announcements in their forum

Just thought I'd make you aware of it because there was mention of the status designation wasn't lending itself to one of recognition.

The edit, pruning, etc. capabilities are not requirements. I can still take care of those things. Just letting you know that they are available if you wish. For the most part, at least up until now, the board has been pretty clean with very few edits or deletions nescessary.

Anyway, let me know, the offer is always here.

Thanks for all your support!

Ted Monk
The Castle Scribe
"Alas, all the Castles I have are built with air!" - Jonson

posted 12-06-1999 05:16 AM           Edit/Delete Message
Something akin to the power of 'Pit and Gallows' then. Wouldn't want that to be in the hands of the irresponsible!

'Give me the groves that lofty brave,
The storms, by Castle Gordon'.
Visit my web-site at

[This message has been edited by wurdsmiff (edited 12-06-1999).]

posted 12-06-1999 06:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for TheScribe   Click Here to Email TheScribe     Edit/Delete Message
You are right. This title is certainly not something that is bestowed lightly. Because of this, there are no Lords or Ladies of a speaketh center at this time. We hope to change this.

Up until now there has never been anyone that has displayed true dedication, in-depth knowledge, willingness to help and of course, chivalry. Which, I am sure you'll agree, are all qualities required for men and ladies of the COTW crown.

Ted Monk
The Castle Scribe
"Alas, all the Castles I have are built with air!" - Jonson

Philip Davis
posted 12-06-1999 12:00 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Oh for the chance to be irresponable!. I agree that there seems to be little need for a moderator in most forums. The schools projects forum, however, could use a gentle prod now and then. I'm willing to take this on if their are now objections.

Neurotics build castles in the air, psychotics live in them, Psychiatrists charge the rent, art therapists do the interior design and nurses clean out the garderobes!

Senior Member
posted 12-06-1999 01:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for duncan   Click Here to Email duncan     Edit/Delete Message
We second the motion and agree on the idea of titles also being bestowed opon the worthy.
Also those under 16, haveing more than 5 posts under the same name, the honor of being pages.

Megan and Ralph

posted 12-06-1999 02:45 PM           Edit/Delete Message
And certainly no one is more worthy. May I humbly suggest the title 'Lord Davis of Hedingham' , assuming that the title is vacant. Does this mean that the castle Scribe gets a rapid promotion to 'King of the Castle', eh Ted?

'Give me the groves that lofty brave,
The storms, by Castle Gordon'.
Visit my web-site at

posted 12-06-1999 03:13 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Sire, whilst only recently come to your service, I humbly place my sword at your feet
and pledge allegiance to the cause. As my duty I crave pardon to tackle the Great Dragon of the 'Castles Individual', and pray that my poor skills be a match for your expectations!
Provided of course that no one objects.

'Give me the groves that lofty brave,
The storms, by Castle Gordon'.
Visit my web-site at

Senior Member
posted 12-06-1999 03:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for duncan   Click Here to Email duncan     Edit/Delete Message
I find my self agreeing for the second time this day, may we all lift a mug, for no two people have ever been placed into better service.

posted 12-06-1999 03:48 PM           Edit/Delete Message
And what about Duncan for 'Building your own Castle'or Savoy for Building Blocks/Renovations?

[This message has been edited by wurdsmiff (edited 12-06-1999).]

John Ball
Senior Member
posted 12-06-1999 04:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for John Ball   Click Here to Email John Ball     Edit/Delete Message
Here, Here, Mead all around!

posted 12-06-1999 04:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TheScribe   Click Here to Email TheScribe     Edit/Delete Message
Gentlemen, for there are no gentle ladies being proposed at this time, I have heard your case and it is my honour as the Castle Scribe to approach the throne in your favour. I will be in touch with each of you individually with the keys that unlock the secrets of the Castle walls. Congratulations!

As for titles, although individual titles would be more appropriate we are not capable of doing so at this time. We are capable of choosing overall titles for the four designations we have; member, senior member, moderator and administrator. I would appreciate suggestions for these, keeping in mind that they can't be gender specific.

Sir Wurdsmiff, in regards to the suggestion of a rapid promotion for me, I happily inform you that I shall remain a humble servant to all. It is here that I feel I can best fight the good fight.

Also, I believe that the two new nominees are warranted. Both have shown the qualities required. If it is their desire to put forth their name we can prodeed.

Ted Monk
The Castle Scribe
"Alas, all the Castles I have are built with air!" - Jonson

Philip Davis
posted 12-06-1999 05:20 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Thanks for the support and praise. I'd prefer a more humble title like Knight of the Trivium or magister scholarum but I nominate wurdsmiff for the title of mormaer of castles individual and Duncan for the title 'successor to James of St George'

Neurotics build castles in the air, psychotics live in them, Psychiatrists charge the rent, art therapists do the interior design and nurses clean out the garderobes!

posted 12-07-1999 03:14 AM           Edit/Delete Message
Thank you gentlemen for your support, and the suggestion of such an illustrious ancient Scottish title, however I would be happy to continue with my given name for now, and simply wurdsmiff I will remain. Now with your leave I shall challenge the Great Dragon, and may God be with me!!!!!!

'Give me the groves that lofty brave,
The storms, by Castle Gordon'.
Visit my web-site at

posted 12-07-1999 04:00 AM           Edit/Delete Message
Re titles;
How about these? With a Scottish slant of course
Administrator- Governor
Moderators- Keepers of the 'Forum'
Senior Members- Knights
Members- Pages.
You could extend the idea to give each Forum an individual castle-like name, with the explanation and old tiltle below.

'Give me the groves that lofty brave,
The storms, by Castle Gordon'.
Visit my web-site at

posted 12-07-1999 04:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lucia   Click Here to Email lucia     Edit/Delete Message
Bit late in the discussion - but can I be queen?

If no one states an objection, I shall get out my outfit and dust it.......



(ex Portlick Castle www.portlickcastle.co.uk)

Senior Member
posted 12-07-1999 05:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for duncan   Click Here to Email duncan     Edit/Delete Message
On bent knee I pledge my sword and sheild to your service. With your license to crenelate, I vow that building this castle will safe guard the far marches of your peaceful kindom.
I am honored gentlemen by your nominations,
Thank you.

[This message has been edited by duncan (edited 12-07-1999).]

[This message has been edited by duncan (edited 12-08-1999).]

Philip Davis
posted 12-07-1999 01:53 PM           Edit/Delete Message
I'd prefer squire to page (a little less patronising I feel) and Castellian to Governor (which I always thought was that pair of balls on top of a steam engine - and told more than boss this, though not always mentioning the steam engine).
I'm not to worried about the gender overtones with these old terms since they have little current meaning. But I would say to Lucia that, as far as I'm concerned, the last great queen sadly died last week.

Neurotics build castles in the air, psychotics live in them, Psychiatrists charge the rent, art therapists do the interior design and nurses clean out the garderobes!

posted 12-07-1999 08:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for TheScribe   Click Here to Email TheScribe     Edit/Delete Message
As I hear no challenges to the appointment of Sir Duncan to the office of Keepers of the Building Your Own Castle Forum, so be it.

Ted Monk
The Castle Scribe
"Alas, all the Castles I have are built with air!" - Jonson

posted 12-08-1999 08:05 AM           Edit/Delete Message
Squire sounds good to me, no comment regarding steam engines!

'Give me the groves that lofty brave,
The storms, by Castle Gordon'.
Visit my web-site at

Senior Member
posted 02-14-2001 02:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for knightmare     Edit/Delete Message
It's proably to late but if I could I would like to volunteer.

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