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Author Topic:   Trees !
posted 05-01-2002 04:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Peter   Click Here to Email Peter     Edit/Delete Message
interested to hear of your tree planting. And as one of my hobbies is the 'Small Press', I belong to two small a.p.a.'s (amt. publishing assc.).
One of which is called 'Secret Garden'. There is one lady who lives in .. has a look .. Collingwood, Vic.
She is part of an Australian scheme that sends tree seeds out. They then bring them on to a certain size. When they are ready they make a phone call and have them collected.
Just to explain on the a.p.a.
Each person types up a contribution. Which is then sent to a C.O. (central Officer). He or she, then collates them all into one magazine, which is then posted out to all the members.
This tends to happen 3/4 times a year. You just send in dues to the C.O.to pay for your postings. You must make at least one mailing a year.
Just finished mine for posting to the C.O. She lives over in New England.
It means I have (like other members) an excellent overview of what goes on across the world in gardens, seasons, weather patterns etc.
And as they are in booklets, I can refer back to them at any time.
Plus .. it is always nice to talk about some of your own achievments, or bloomers !

Erik Schmidt
Senior Member
posted 05-03-2002 05:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Erik Schmidt   Click Here to Email Erik Schmidt     Edit/Delete Message
I hadn't come across the a.p.a. system before. Do you get a lot of useless information due to the climate differences btween the contributors?

I've heard of the system you describe being used to grow the trees in victoria. It's a good idea.

All the trees I grow and plant are local natives, grown from seed collected locally so as to have a gentic pool appropriate for the local conditions.
My home gardening involves mostly fruit and veg. I've never been very interested in flowers and such. I like to grow useful plants or natives. Over recent years, especially due to my work and interest in native trees I have become very averse to exotics. Australia has such an array of garden ornamentals which have become severe weeds. I battle ornamentals like Lantana, Yellow Oleander, Singapore daisy, Perriwinkle, two Cassias, 'Strawberry' tree, and fruit trees like Chinee apple(Zyziphus, related to chinese date), Mango and Guava as well as numerous farming introductions including grasses and a fodder tree.
Many of the troublesome species are still traded by nurseries(plant sellers) and they regularly introduce new ones.


posted 05-03-2002 03:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Peter   Click Here to Email Peter     Edit/Delete Message
I wouldn't say useless information. Because information that may not suit your needs, can sometimes be passed on to others.
And although there are many diverse backgrounds. It is nice (perhaps not the correct word !) to read that someone else has had as many problems as yourself. Be it of a different nature.
And the determination to succeed in all climates is good reading. From the heat of Australia, to the ice-storms of new England. Where ice forms many inches thick on trees etc. Snapping branches off with the weight.

Erik Schmidt
Senior Member
posted 05-03-2002 07:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Erik Schmidt   Click Here to Email Erik Schmidt     Edit/Delete Message
I guess it's a matter of looking at it more from the point of view of sharing the enjoyment of gardening rather than simply sharing technical information.
It's funny you say about the "heat of Australia" when you say you have a contributor from Victoria. It certainly gets hot down there in summer, but that's the time of year they grow the vegetables down there, whereas up here in the tropics it's too hot and wet for most vegtables in summer, so we actually only grow them in winter.
They actually had snow in some places in Victoria this summer, and we've had one of the hottest summers on record up here.

What is it you manily get into growing?
Our garden is full of fruit trees and a small veg plot next to the chicken run.
The fruit include Carambola, Orange, Mandarines, Grumachama, Jaboticaba, Sapodilla, Star Apple, Bananas, Acerola, Pawpaw(papaya), Custard apple(too old) and Soursop. A Feijoa died after being moved and an Abiu died from water stress followed by flooding. We have a couple of other fruit trees which don't bear usable fruit, such as miracle fruit and ice cream bean.

All times are PT (US)

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