Does some one know where I can find information or pictures on Marino House near Dublin. It was the home of Lord Charlemont and was famous for the Casino Marino, which is still standing. The house has been demolished in the first part of the 2oth century.
Thx in advance,
Peter Member
posted 02-25-2007 06:15 AM
Ipflo, Just returned from Dublin, and saw the buses for Marino! Well, that's bad luck for you. Will have a look anyway. Cheers .. Peter
Queuxgropius Senior Member
posted 08-13-2007 10:08 AM
Perhaps this book might contain some relevant material:
The Pleasing Hours: James Caulfeild, Earl of Charlemont (1728-1799) - Traveller, Connoisseur and Patron of the Arts by Cynthia O'Connor
abeha Member
posted 04-04-2015 08:43 AM
which is still standing. The house has been demolished in the first part of the 2oth century.
_______________ emma
[This message has been edited by abeha (edited 04-04-2015).]