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Author Topic:   Building in the UK?
posted 04-13-2004 10:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for seven_uk   Click Here to Email seven_uk     Edit/Delete Message

I won't be building my castle for several years yet (I'm only 19) so I have a while to research. I currently live in the uk (SE England) and I love the weather/environment here so I wouldn't want to build abroad. I have been informed by several people that building in England would be more expensive and difficult due to planning permission and government laws etc so I am looking further afield, such as Scotland (yes, it would be much colder but I would still get the English climate/environment, etc). Does anyone know how easy it would be to build a castle there instead of in England? What kind of cost am I looking at? I had a look at the Castle Duncan site recently (well done guys!) and using their predicted costs and the size of their planned castle, as well as several other castles I have researched, I am estimating that to build the castle I have planned over there would cost around �500,000 or $ equivalent. Has anyone built in the UK and how much did it cost you? What problems did you come up against? Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated. I have travelled to castles all over the UK in the last 7/8 years and I have more or less finished drawing up plans (my father is an architect so I have had some help doing this).

Obviously the next step will be to get the money for my project whilst continuing research.

Good luck to everyone making their dream a reality. You are all an inspiration!

Seven x

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