posted 10-07-2012 11:49 PM
I am back after a few year hiatus and almost done building phase 1. I have a 24 x 46 structure made of split face CMU and now ready to add the corner tower. I left rebar sticking out to attach the tower base. This is a small decorative tower dia 36" and 36' tall walls. I think the easiest way is to apply stucco over something. The "something is what I am looking for suggestions. Anyone have some ideas? I plan to cap it with a conical metal roof, copper if I can afford it.
artsweeney Member
posted 11-25-2012 07:24 PM
I am starting back on my castle on the South face of English MT TN. the first of the year.It has been on hold since the down turn.
If I were you I would make the tower at least four foot round.
Thanks Art
katewinslet Member
posted 09-24-2013 05:36 AM
It may be worth contacting the National Monuments Record in Swindon (01793 414700) as they may have architectural grade plans produced by the Ministry Of Works/DoE in their 'Historic Plans' collection
[This message has been edited by katewinslet (edited 03-14-2015).]
katewinslet Member
posted 09-24-2013 05:37 AM
It may be worth contacting the National Monuments Record in Swindon (01793 414700) as they may have architectural grade plans produced by the Ministry Of Works/DoE in their 'Historic Plans' collection
------------------ WINSLET
katewinslet Member
posted 09-24-2013 05:37 AM
It may be worth contacting the National Monuments Record in Swindon (01793 414700) as they may have architectural grade plans produced by the Ministry Of Works/DoE in their 'Historic Plans' collection
------------------ WINSLET
katewinslet Member
posted 09-24-2013 05:37 AM
It may be worth contacting the National Monuments Record in Swindon (01793 414700) as they may have architectural grade plans produced by the Ministry Of Works/DoE in their 'Historic Plans' collection