Topic: Clonony Castle
Bluewater Senior Member
posted 03-31-2000 10:23 PM
I'm looking for info on Clonony Castle in Cloghan, Offaly, Ireland. Savoy has lended me great assistance by reffering me to it (it is currently for sale). I know the following thus far (if the seller's info is correct). It's approx 3 miles from Cloghan VIllage, in Offaly Cty, Ireland. Approx 5 miles from Shannon Harbour, where the Grand Canal meets River Shannon. According to the seller, it is probable there's been fortified structures here as early as 13th century and possibly earlier. The main section is suspected to be the still standing 4 story tower on the SW corner of the castilated outer wall. The enclosure is roughly two acres. Remnants of castilation are present. Last recorded mention of activity was early 1800s during construction of the Grand Canal. A tunnel was found linking the castle with the area of the canal. Does anyone know if said tunnel still exists? There were also a number of other buildings adjacent to the keep that are unkown (apparently) at this time. The castle was originally built during reign of Henry VIII of England, & it's quite certain a castle was there in 1519. Said to have many colorful associations (with who though). In addition, a tombstone/slab is outside listing the names Elizabeth and Mary Bullyn; seller says via other info gleamed these people were related to Anne Bollyn (who needs no intro). Does anyone have any more info? Anyone know what castle might have been there in 1519? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!Regards, Bluewater
wurdsmiff unregistered
posted 04-01-2000 08:54 AM
No further data,but a picture and some info about the town. ------------------ 'Give me the groves that lofty brave, The storms, by Castle Gordon'. Visit my web-site at Gordon.
Bluewater Senior Member
posted 04-01-2000 11:28 AM
Thanks for the link! I knew it was a fairly small town, but I didn't know much more (I was planning on researching it later today...thanks for doing that for me lol). Regards, Bluewater |
John Ball Senior Member
posted 04-01-2000 05:38 PM
According to Mike Salter in his book, `Castles And Stronghouses Of Ireland', the ruined four storey tower measuring 10.6m by 8.2m appears to be well preserved, although it has been somewhat altered, having been occupied until the 19th century. It lies in a small court of mostly 18th or 19th centurybuildings which in turn lie in the east corner of a bawn 52m by 37m within a thin but high embattled wall with rectangular flankers of 17th century type at the east, west and south corners. No wall survives on the NW side where there is a low natural fall of the ground level. |
Bluewater Senior Member
posted 04-01-2000 06:14 PM
Thanks John! is a link of the ad. I'v talked with Savoy (who owns a tower house in Ireland, and who pointed me to the ad) appears to be a decent property (even if one decided to restore it only to the earlier aspects I the tower and the bawn). Thanks for the info! Rgards, Bluewater
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