posted 03-07-2001 03:24 PM
I'm somewhat bewildered by this question. First Maiden castle is North of Durham and some way from Bowes and even futher from Brough. Also Bowes and Brough guide each end of a Pennine pass, and, although it's not unknown, it is unlikely that two castles of the same name would be so close together.There is a Roman signal station called Roper's Castle on the pass at NY 8811 (But I've no good evidence that this was ever used as a true castle - A feudal fortified residence.) Between the Brough and Bowes and very much on the county border (but in Cumbria - Oh Bowes is now in County Durham since I think the 1974 county changes). So your two castles might actually be just one (These sorts of mistakes happen happen quite often even in books by professionals). Apparently a full description of this site can be found in Farrar, R. A. H., in Hanson and Keppie, Roman Frontier Studies 1979, Oxford 1980, pp220-2. An journal article you may be able to get from the British Library for a few pounds.
For my own information, and perhaps for the interest of others, could you let us know the name and author of the book and how the two sites were described.
And the astronomyours beheldyne the constellacions of hys bryth by thare castle, and foundyn that he sholde bene wyse and curteyse, good of consaill
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