posted 03-30-2001 11:57 AM
I need to find any possible information about this castle - as soon as possible!
Kassie Member
posted 04-02-2001 05:35 PM
The what castle? I would help if i could but i have no clue what that is! sorry ............................................................................ -kassie
Marko Senior Member
posted 04-03-2001 08:13 AM
The following info I found in some Belgian searchengines, as this castle lies in Belgium in a village with the same name. "The castle of 's-Gravenwezel was build in the 13th century. It has double ramparts and a park. The round tower dates from the 14th century, the east- and north facade are Gothic from the 15th century. The baroque gatehouse was build in the 17th century. The castle is open to the public on the last weekends of May and November, the first weekends of June and December and other times on appointment." I also read that in January 2000 the castle was visited by the popstar Sting and his family. Unfortunately I couldn't find any pictures.
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[This message has been edited by Marko (edited 10-30-2001).]
persephone Member
posted 04-03-2001 08:25 AM
Thanks for your help. I've located a lot of information in the past few days, but still not as much as I'd like to. 's-Gravenwezel is located outside of Antwerp, and is the home of antiques collector Axel Vervoordt. There are 100 rooms in the castle, each with a different theme. It has been completely restored by he and his wife. I needed to find out because I was fact-checking an article about him, and there were some very specific facts about the castle that I could not determine from the pictures. So thanks for your help! I appreciate it.
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