Topic: Could someone please help me find a picture of Locksley Castle in England?
Radella Senior Member
posted 08-16-2001 09:06 PM
If you could, tha twoulf be great. Ifyou can't, could you tell if it has a moat or not and what kind of castle it is. Thanks so much! ~Radella |
AJR Senior Member
posted 08-17-2001 05:09 AM
Must admit this threw me, but I found the following sites and
Radella Senior Member
posted 08-17-2001 12:21 PM
thanks, I am sorry if you don't understand why I need a picture, but I am a writer and I have never seen many of the English castles. (I have only seen Windsor and Buckingham) Still, i am not sure if that castle is really locksley so any more help would be welcome. |
AJR Senior Member
posted 08-17-2001 12:57 PM
I couldn't find Locksley Castle anywhere on my lists, which was what threw me. It may be that this is not a "real" castle, but I leave the matter open to anyone else who might be able to throw light on the matter. |
Radella Senior Member
posted 08-17-2001 01:00 PM
Locksley was the home of RObin Hood and I cannot find it anywhere (and usually I can find anything easily, threw me too) And on one of your pages it had a picture but no real description, even if it really was one. I guess I'll have to go the the English Castle Society or something or other and e-mail them. |
duncan Senior Member
posted 08-17-2001 01:19 PM
Good idea, research is a good thing. The original defences of the borough called Nottingham, and castle of some description, disappeared long ago from the growth of the town as so many others have. |
Radella Senior Member
posted 08-17-2001 02:02 PM
Actually, some of Nottingham si=till exists. I have seen a picture of a door in a face of rock that was probably a last resort escape and it is little of what of left of the castle. Any more ideas? |
duncan Senior Member
posted 08-17-2001 02:09 PM
Yes, being in the 6th grade how are you a writer? Have you seen this "face of rock" you spoke of, how do you know for sure what it was?------------------ Megan and Ralph CASTLE DUNCAN Vivo vivere vixi victum simul Honorare |
Radella Senior Member
posted 08-17-2001 02:15 PM
duncan, I have been seriously writing novels for the past year, though I am just going into seventh in couple weeks. I am not published yet but I am a very serious about what I do. I wouldn't be doing research if I wasn't. I am sorry to say that I can only trust what I see on the internet at the moment since I have not been to England in over 5 years. (I spent a year in Europe) I do not know if it was for sure, but it was a very professional looking site. I cannot rely on it, but I just needs to be aware of how things looked about five centuries ago. |
duncan Senior Member
posted 08-17-2001 02:41 PM
Glad to hear your serious about something you enjoy. Then you realize that what you seek is more then likly a part of history and the real question is "how things looked about five centuries ago" in England. The present castle has nothing to do with the medieval castle that started as a Motte in c.1068 on what is now called Castle Rock. In the years between then and the mid 15c. it filled the land now occupied by the General Hospital. In 1651 it was almost completely destroyed by Cromwell. In 1617 John Smythson drew a plan of the castle as it was in that year. No one knows how many buildings were standing above their foundations or how much of the curtain wall was intact. The plan is Plate 48 of the Kings Works ii, and shows the extent of the castle and its poly-gonal tower in the north-west curve of the curtain wall.------------------ Megan and Ralph CASTLE DUNCAN Vivo vivere vixi victum simul Honorare [This message has been edited by duncan (edited 08-17-2001).] |
Radella Senior Member
posted 08-17-2001 03:07 PM
actually, I haven't looked into the matter of Nottingham castle yet, since it has not been required that my characters are there. I was looking at Locksley, but obviously it is either fictional or long destroyed/un-archived. thanks you though, thats good to know for future referrence. |
Radella Senior Member
posted 08-17-2001 03:11 PM
What I wanted to know was only what the castles/landscape looked like five centuries ago, not what it was like to live then. I have read throughly on that topic, both fiction and non-fiction. That is probably (apart from vocabulary and speech dialects)the most difficult challenge that i have been faced with so far. |
duncan Senior Member
posted 08-17-2001 03:18 PM
I've read and heard lectures about life in the Middle ages for years and I've yet to find many people who have any idea of even the garden herbs used in daily life. Which isn't that hard to find out. My point is, not all experts are very knowlegable. Their is more recent history concerning the newer castle and Mortimer's Hole or tunnel. Thats a bit off in time from what you are looking for, maybe some one else will be more help and i wish you the best of luck with your quest.[This message has been edited by duncan (edited 08-17-2001).] |
Radella Senior Member
posted 08-17-2001 03:23 PM
thank you, duncan! |
Gordon unregistered
posted 08-17-2001 07:02 PM
As you say Locksley is very probably a fictional castle, being part of the Robin Hood legend. No-one even knows for sure if the man himself existed, though the story like that of King Arthur is so entrenched in the folklore that it's likely that the story has been built upon a real event or character. One theory I've read is that the oppressed folks of Nottingham had heard of the tales of William Wallace and the story became corrupted to give it a local bent. There are certainly many broad similarities in the two tales, though Wallace's existence is fact.------------------ 'Demeure par la verite' Visit; Gordon's Scottish Castles Resource Page |
Peter Member
posted 08-18-2001 05:48 AM
Hi Radella, sorry to come in on this late. have a mate who is a bit of an expert (!) on that area. He is not on line. But I will drop him a card if you wish ? Have visited Nottingham several times, and there is quite a lot of the older walls still above the surface. The revamped gateway is there, with a statue of Robin by it. Will find a picture and post it for you. |
Radella Senior Member
posted 08-18-2001 12:21 PM
thanks that would be great! I would really like this novel to be historically accurate (I wrote the first draft when I was elven and I made most of it up, quiete humorous to read actually) thanks again! |
castleuk unregistered
posted 08-18-2001 06:22 PM
Hi I've been following this topic today but i had to go to work, coming home i find it still on going, i live in sheffield and locksley is a village come part of the city but no castle. robin hood may have lived round these parts there is the grave of little john at hathersage church next to camp green motte and bailey maybe that is the castle? i have pictures on my site but when people where oppressed they used the name of robin as there leader. sherwood forest was a big place my headmaster in wakefield said he came from there, i think robin hood is what people want him to be and this has been going on for 100's of years. Chris |
Radella Senior Member
posted 08-18-2001 07:43 PM
wow, thanks. thats the most useful, for sure tip I've gotten yet. And you live nearby! I'd love to be you! Any way, that makes sense. For my purposes, I might have to go along with that the castle you mentioned was once owned by the Locksley clan but its name was changed. thanks again! I'll check out your site! |
Peter Member
posted 08-19-2001 11:50 AM
It is said there is evidence of two Robert Fitz Odos or Fitzooths living in the 12th & 13th centuries, the former of whom certainly, and the later most probably, was lord of the manor of Loxley. He is also strongly associated with Barnsdale in Yorkshire. In the English of a few hundred years later, if he heard of a likely man for his band he would test him out so; " .. whersoever he heard of any that were of unusual strength and hardiness, he would desgyse himself, and, rather than fayle, go lyke a begger to become acqaynted with them; and after he had tryed them with fyghting, never give them over tyl he had used means to drawe them to lyve after his fashion .. " It was said he was bledd to death, by the Prioress of Kirklees Nunnery in Yorkshire .. .. " This event happened on the 18th November 1247, being the 31st year of King Henry ll. Which, if dates are correct, would put him at 87 years of age ... " Though some put his death at 1274. One can take which ever of these you want. It is also more likely that Locksley, lived in a manor house that a castle. Though there is a good chance it would have been fortified. |
Radella Senior Member
posted 08-19-2001 12:29 PM
thank you again, Peter. That helped me with both the timing on and the more urgent question which was why Locksley <i>Castle</i> had just disapeared off the face of the earth. No one would really mind if a Manor slowly got torn apart. THat really makes sense. And I should mind the timing a little more than I am since I am getting to modern with the weaponry. Thanks again! |
Peter Member
posted 08-19-2001 02:09 PM
Picture posted as mentioned. Note group of folk taking pictures of statue. The whole site is great. Started in the morning, one can end up in the pub at dinnertime. Merely for a drop of refreshment, of course ! There are tours into the rock at certain time. Which I have never managed to do. |
Radella Senior Member
posted 08-19-2001 02:22 PM
awesome! (thanks for the picture!) I wish I could visit there and be one of the tourists! but no, unfortunatley, I don't have the money to just get on a plane and go there as much as I would like to (not to mention I am still under 18 so the descision actually lies with my parents) anyway, you have been mroe than helpful and I thank from the bottom of my heart for helping me with my project! |
deborahknowles Senior Member
posted 08-19-2001 05:18 PM
Locksley Castle as in the film Robin Hood Prince of Thieves was in fact Old Wardour castle which is ruined. In the film they used some very clever computer graphics to make it appear "whole". I hope this helps?------------------
Radella Senior Member
posted 08-19-2001 10:26 PM
Was that the one with Kevin Costner in it? I believe I read somewhere that they needed it to be in ruins so that they put a false front on it so that it appeared whole but in the "ruin" scene, it was all a flame and like it really is. Actually, I knew that because I had been researching the web before I stumbled apon this site. |
Steve-O-Gerst Senior Member
posted 12-05-2005 11:34 PM
Well, if you're pretty sure Locksley "castle" or Manor House has been destoryed, there probably won't be much historical evidence to contradict anything you say about it.If you're not too creative with locations (When I try to write, I certainly am not) you could use the "locksley" castle shown in movies, such as one of the Robin hood versions. "Prince of Thieves," with Kevin Costner is one such example. Other Robin hood movies might also show their idea of the place. |