posted 08-12-2004 11:20 AM
does anyone have some information on castle von waltsleben in germany?
Marko Senior Member
posted 08-12-2004 02:10 PM
I could not find anything about a Von Waltsleben castle in Germany. Are you sure about the spelling? I did find some mention of a Burg Walsleben. This castle lay east of the town of Osterburg in the Landkreis Stendal in the Sachsen-Anhalt province. It seems it was destroyed in 929 by a Slavonean army of "Redarier" (don't know what that means). All its inhabitants were slaughtered. This was a Slavonean reaction to some other military action by the Saxons. One source says it was rebuilt shortly after but it seems that nothing remains today. Sources:
------------------ "But round about the castle there began to grow a hedge of thorns, which every year became higher...." Visit my website at