Topic: Real Dracula Castle
DoomsDude Member
posted 11-16-2004 09:05 AM
I have seen many claims about Dracula Castle all over the Internet. But which one is actually the REAL Dracula Castle? Dees anyone know for sure? |
ipflo Moderator
posted 11-16-2004 12:06 PM
hion the following websites you can find some inf on the subject about what is the real castle of Vlad Tepes the historical 'dracula'. ipflo |
Maria Moderator
posted 11-16-2004 12:17 PM
There is no REAL Dracula Castle, as the ruler who inspired the story didn't even live in Transilvania. But the Bran Castle was Bram Stoker's inspiration source. Of course, you can find many Dracula castles, most of which aren't even real castles.[This message has been edited by Maria (edited 11-17-2004).] |
IridiscentDusk Member
posted 11-19-2004 04:42 AM
Yes, there are a lot of claims over the identity of Dracula Castle ascribed to different castles and "not even real castles", as Maria said. And, of course, they're all bogus!!! Unfortunately, the REAL DRACULA CASTLE, which actually DOES exist, has remained totally obscure, while so many impostor castles take undeserved credit.Bran Castle, which usually takes all the credit for the Dracula myth, is actually, as someone said in a forum, no more than a kind of fake "Dracula Land" designed to bring profit. Vlad Tepes, the historical figure who was born in Transylvania and ruled in Wallachia and who was called Dracula, went to Bran only a few times and was held captive there for several days. That's the only reltation!!! Hunedoara Castle, where Vlad Tepes was imprisoned for years, probably deserves the "Dracula Castle" title more than Bran, but still it's not it! The real Dracula Castle is some obscure ARGESH CASTLE, built at the order of Vlad Tepesh. And this one REALLY has a HORRIFYING HISTORY and setting that matches the actual description of Bram Stoker perfectly! This site has nice pictures and stuff, but lacks the truth  Try the following link, which is the place where I have actually read most of these things about Dracula Castle. It's written by someones who's travelled a lot in the region and gives the most detailed description about all the misconceptions and fake stuff with the comments and corrections! |
Maria Moderator
posted 11-19-2004 12:42 PM
According to history, Vlad Tepes was not imprisond in the Hunedoara Castle, but at Visegrad, in Hungary. The Argesh castle... I've never heard of it... where did you find the information? And also, I have never heard of the order of Vlad Tepesh, and I have studied Romanian history (exams and all). Vlad Tepesh's father was a knight of the Dragon order(dragon in latin is draco, so that's where the name Dracula comes from). As for the Argesh Court, yes, thet's where the capital of Valahia was for many years, but I wouldn't describe the buildings as castles. They aren't proper fortresses. And... about the "HORRIFYING HISTORY", I wouldn't be so sure. He was cruel, because he had to rule a country that was falling apart. He did comit attrocities (as deciding there should be only one punishment for all crimes, death), but most of the bloody stories were made up by german and hungarian merchants. In order to encourage local trade, he denied their right to sell in Valahia. So the woodcuts showing him torture people aren't to be given a lot of credit. The merchants aim was to discredit him in front of his friend, the Hungarian King. [This message has been edited by Maria (edited 11-19-2004).]
[This message has been edited by Maria (edited 11-19-2004).] |
Maria Moderator
posted 11-19-2004 12:47 PM
However, Bram and Hunedoara are genuine castles, worth visitin (althought a lot of Dracula kitch does spoil them). But what is usually called The Dracula castle is a hotel that imitates a castle (pf, imitates is a kind word!), situated in the north of the country. |
Marko Senior Member
posted 11-19-2004 07:30 PM
There have been earlier posts about this subject as you can see here: I always thought the most likely candidate for Dracula's castle was Poienari Castle. Here's a nice site with lots of info about Vlad. It's in German but you can use a online translation engine (like or
------------------ "But round about the castle there began to grow a hedge of thorns, which every year became higher...." Visit my website at
Cammenca Member
posted 06-25-2008 07:25 PM
Poenari castle is were Vlad Draculea actually lived. The older name for it is Argesh Castle |
alton Member
posted 06-15-2013 06:41 AM
i would like to appreciate you for sharing such a great info with us
------------------ alton
alton Member
posted 06-15-2013 06:43 AM
i would like to appreciate you for sharing such a great info with us
------------------ alton
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