Castle Books
Traces the design, building, and defense of castles throughout medieval Europe, and describes the daily life of a knight.
(Added: 7-Dec-1998 Hits: 4777) - (Rating: 5.91 Votes: 11) Rate It! - Report bad link
The Time Traveller Book of Knights and Castles. (Young Readers)
(Added: 7-Dec-1998 Hits: 2926) - (Rating: 5.25 Votes: 8) Rate It! - Report bad link
Dozens of games and celebrations invite kids to investigate the Middle Ages, while through descriptions of food, clothing and more, they can become part of a
mythical time of castles and kings, cathedrals and conquests.
(Added: 7-Dec-1998 Hits: 4062) - (Rating: 5.55 Votes: 9) Rate It! - Report bad link
A coloring book dedicated to knights in shiny armour! (Young Readers)
(Added: 7-Dec-1998 Hits: 2811) - (Rating: 7.33 Votes: 3) Rate It! - Report bad link
A how-to book on creating knights in armour from paper. (Young Readers)
(Added: 7-Dec-1998 Hits: 2005) - (Rating: 1.00 Votes: 3) Rate It! - Report bad link
Landscapes & Castles from Heidelberg to the Black Forest is an exploration of the south-west German culture with diverse landscapes, famous towns, castles,
palaces, abbeys and churches.
(Added: 7-Dec-1998 Hits: 3252) - (Rating: 3.00 Votes: 1) Rate It! - Report bad link
The authors allow medieval man and woman to speak for themselves through selections from past journals, songs, even account books.
(Added: 7-Dec-1998 Hits: 2760) - (Rating: 3.85 Votes: 7) Rate It! - Report bad link
A cororing book of life in a medieval castle! (Young Readers)
(Added: 7-Dec-1998 Hits: 2094) - (Rating: 3.67 Votes: 3) Rate It! - Report bad link
Interesting book on living in the time of castles. (Young Readers)
(Added: 7-Dec-1998 Hits: 1692) - (Rating: 10.00 Votes: 1) Rate It! - Report bad link
Discusses how and why castles were built during the Middle Ages and what it was like to live in one. (Young Readers)
(Added: 7-Dec-1998 Hits: 2931) - (Rating: 5.99 Votes: 10) Rate It! - Report bad link
You're invited on a guided tour of a medieval castle: over the drawbridge, through the courtyard, past the dark dungeon, down the bustling banquet hall, and into the private living chambers. (Young Readers)
(Added: 7-Dec-1998 Hits: 4399) - (Rating: 6.85 Votes: 7) Rate It! - Report bad link
How to make a model castle. (Young Readers)
(Added: 7-Dec-1998 Hits: 4989) - (Rating: 6.60 Votes: 5) Rate It! - Report bad link